Consider for a moment the simple pleasure of using your lungs to disperse a dandelion's seeds in the wind.
Aliento Silicosis Resources imagines a world where there is hope for workers to have the basic right to breath and live a long life.

A quiet epidemic has spread across America, affecting workers who fabricate stylish "quartz" engineered stone countertops. They make a good living, and they support families with their work. Some of them wear thin paper masks, some of them no protection at all. White dust coats their hands and faces and billows around them, but they don't know the dust will settle in their lungs like tiny shards of glass. They don't know once lodged deep in their lungs it will scar and cut the delicate lung tissue. When they develop a slight cough or tire more easily, they think they have allergies, a cold, or are just getting older- but few know they have silicosis. They may not see a doctor and if they do, the doctor may not know to ask about their work history.
Aliento Silicosis Resources provides resources for sick workers and raises awareness so that this epidemic will no longer unfold silently.

Types of Stone
It used to take a lifetime of work to develop silicosis, but dangerous new "quartz" manufactured stone countertops have an extremely high silica content- more than 90%! This high concentration means workers should be screened for silicosis after handling the materials for 6 months or more. In contrast to the extreme concentration of silica in manufactured stone, natural granite has 45-50% silica and marble even less silica. Worker Exposure to Silica during Countertop Manufacturing, Finishing and Installation (osha.gov)

Your donation allows us to raise awareness, educate and provide resources to workers and contribute to research efforts.
Help us end this epidemic.
*Any donation will go to LIN, an initiative of La Isla Foundation, a registered 501(c)3 charity. Your donation will be tax deductible per IRS regulations. The donation will exclusively be used by Aliento Silicosis Resources to support this project and to advance public health awareness for silicosis.